Monday, April 23, 2018

What if my wedding sucks?

A lot of people are always so worried about what other people think, not about how they see things. This is just part of how humans are and behave. The issue with this is that we worry about things that are completely irrelevant because of this. Some people may worry that their wedding “sucks”. Which I don’t even know why this should be a thought, because they are marrying the love of their life… why in the world would it suck?

They may just be thinking about what others think about it. Maybe the DJ won’t play enough music that so-and-so likes so they won’t have a good time, maybe the food isn’t good enough for your grandma who is an amazing cook, etc. These things should not worry a bride and groom one bit. This is THEIR DAY, nobody else’s. They should not be worried about anything besides being happy and enjoying the company of their loved ones.

The thought, “what if my wedding day sucks” should never, ever, come into a bride or grooms mind at any part in the planning process. They should only worry about themselves, and not about the hypothetical “if”, because the reality of it is that the day hasn’t even happened yet and they should be looking forward to it, not dreading it. If they are really worried about something, then I am 100% sure there are preventatives to make them feel better about whatever they are worried about. There can always be a preventative measure. Bottom line is that their wedding day is about them, nobody else.

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